Textbook of Veterinary Homeopathy

Author(s) John Saxton
Out of stock

The target reader is the veterinary surgeon who wishes to use homeopathic medicine in their practice. there will be a secondary market in commercial farming and breeding, as well as among the owners of companion animals.

'Everything comes to the one who can wait. When I attended my studies at the Homeopathic Professionals Teaching Group course in Oxford I heard for the first time about the book that these two authors were about to publish. That was around three years ago, and now IT IS HERE! At that time I anticipated a book that was well written and as complete as possible, but foremost I was looking forward to a modern book on veterinary homeopathy written by professionals for professionals and I have got it.
Although the book is written as an introduction to homeopathic medicine for veterinary surgeons I think that it is capable of giving valuable information to even the trained and experienced veterinary homeopath. It is well written, and built up very logically. Every chapter starts from the beginning, covering every aspect of the subject in an easy and comprehensible way, even for the untrained. The constant comparison to and verification against conventional medicine is striking and works very well to explain the meaning of the different subjects in homeopathy. Also (very bravely) the authors take up the subject of vaccination and its relation to the vital force and disease.
As already mentioned, I had been expecting this book for a long time and let me say that my expectations have been more than fulfilled. It will benefit future students of homeopathy, and certainly practising veterinary homeopaths as well. We can never call ourselves fully educated in homeopathy, and the study continues. This book will stand proud on any veterinary homeopaths shelf reminding us about just that!'

Newsletter, British Association of Veterinary Homeopaths

More Information
ISBN 9780906584576
Author John Saxton
Type Paperback
Language English
Publication Date 2005-02-10
Pages 312
Publisher Beaconsfield

This book review is reprinted with permission from Homeopathic Links.

Reviewed by Paul Hughes, England

Beaconsfield Publishers have given us a reliable selection of practical homeopathic texts of sterling quality, such as Jack's 'Homeopathy in General Practice', and Foubister's 'Tutorials in Homeopathy'. The 'Textbook of Veterinary Homeopathy' is another which will be of interest to all intent on broadening their knowledge of practical therapeutics.

A fully comprehensive introduction written by veterinary surgeons, it is intended primarily for those already in veterinary practice. But it is more than a medical textbook. In the present era, Man has an increasingly close relationship with members of the Animal Kingdom. Not just in the domestic sense of the pet animal in the role of Man's best friend, but we now have an Animal Rights Movement which upholds the status of the animal as a sentient being with a natural right to humane treatment and care equal to humans. Although no mention is made of avian flu and its immediate implications for global human health, we are conscious that Man's relationship with animals has never been so crucial. The principle of respect for the animal patient and concern for his welfare is apparent throughout the text.

The two main sections cover Theory and Practice. -Part One gives a historical survey including that of veterinary homeopathy, beginning as early as 1837 when Joseph Lux published his 'Homeopathy in the Treatment of Animals' in Germany. It proceeds on the premise that the intended reader, a veterinary surgeon, is a newcomer to homeopathy, and contains all the necessary detailed information regarding the homeopathic approach to disease and its manifestations. Fully comprehensive chapters follow on obtaining the symptoms from observation and inquiry, case-taking, constitutional prescribing, miasms, and obstacles to cure. It may be surprising to learn that animals are susceptible to miasmatic remedies derived from human diseases. There is considerable useful detailed information on Isopathy and the Use of Nosodes, and a fully explanatory section on the Use of the Bowel Nosodes.

As an introduction to homeopathy for vets, Part Two deals with practicalities.

The beauty of homeopathic therapeutics is that what applies to humans applies also to animals. The section on Behavioural Problems brings the text to life and illustrates the primary importance of understanding the disposition of the animal patient.

This book can be not only highly recommended to all vets and animal owners but could also be read by homeopaths who wish to enlarge their knowledge of veterinary homeopathy.


This book review is reprinted from the British Homoeopathic Journal Vol 94:4, October 2005, with permission from Peter Fisher, Editor.

Reviewed by Richard Allport

Now here's a question. What can be any size and any shape, but always weighs exactly the same? Answer: a hole. Many veterinary surgeons may not know it, but they have a hole in their library, of the following : portions: 21 x 14 x 2cm. I am pleased to report that this hole has now been filled; by the Textbook of Veterinary Homeopathy.

One of the briefs for writing this review was 'to compare with others of its type'. This is difficult, because-as far as I am aware-there is no other book exactly this type. This book sets out to be, and is - (to paraphrase the famous advert) -'exactly what it says on the cover.' It is a textbook-a solid mass of information. It is veterinary-it is written for veterinary surgeons, about veterinary matters. It is homeopathy-purely and simply a distillation of the two authors' deep and abiding knowledge of homeopathy and its application to animals.

Book reviewers tend to fall into three categories. Those who heap fulsome praise on every line of the book (who paid for the review, one might wonder?). Those who criticise the book with vitriol and undisguised loathing (prompted by jealousy and envy, maybe). Those who are nit-picking and proudly reveal tiny typographical errors as if they were cardinal sins.

This review falls headlong into the fulsome praise category. There have been some very good books on veterinary homeopathy-the names Christopher Day and George Macleod immediately spring to mind here. But this is the first real in-depth textbook of veterinary homeopathy written by vets, for vets, with total authority and conviction.

And it is not an easy task. The medical profession does not realise how lucky it is. One single species to deal with-the human. We vets have to deal with anything from stick insects to elephants. And our patients have the unfortunate drawback of not being able to answer any questions we may want to ask them. So, for example, in the section on 'obtaining symptoms' we have the heading 'The herd/flock/kennel/ cattery situation', with the comment later 'the casetaking in these situations will of necessity veer towards the local signs'. A neat example of the greater breadth, and also the greater limitations needed by and imposed upon, veterinary homeopaths.

The fact that this textbook is written as an introduction to homeopathy for vets will obviously limit its market. However, I'm sure many pet owners with a strong interest in homeopathy will also want this book-which may or may not be a good thing! The most important point is that the book does what it sets out to do completely successfully. For any vet studying homeopathy it will be indispensable.

There are two main sections: the theory, and the practice, of homeopathy. The theory section begins with the history of homeopathy, looks at research into homeopathy, discusses the source and preparation of remedies and then moves into the areas of the homeopathic view of disease and its manifestations. There is detailed consideration of obtaining and matching symptoms-so vital in veterinary homeopathy, because of the communication problem between us and our patients. Practical and constitutional prescribing are explained thoroughly, obstacles to cure are evaluated, and then miasms are mulled over. Isopathy and nosodes are given prominence, in particular the bowel nosodes, probably much underused by the veterinary fraternity, although one of the authors has almost made it his life's work to change this situation! The thorny question of vaccination is examined from the homeopathic perspective, concluding the theory section.

The practice section begins with the warning that homeopathy can be a lonely road for the vet, and highlights the importance of training courses, and the fact that ongoing help and support is available. Each body system is then covered; digestive, skin, endocrine and so on, with additional chapters on surgery and first aid, behavioural problems, the geriatric patient and neoplasia. There is always a problem when writing a chapter on a body system--do you itemize each disease seen in that system, and then suggest remedies for that disease; or do you list remedies that are useful, and then describe which diseases they will be appropriate for? The authors solve this conundrum by giving an overview of each body system-its function and the general problems associated with it, followed by the major modalities and rubrics that are most important, and then the four or five major remedies likely to be of most value with an accompanying list of other remedies to consider. This is, to my mind, an inspired way of formulating a simple, clear approach to a complex issue.

As in all good textbooks, there is a general bibliography, a glossary of terms, a list of useful addresses, and a comprehensive index. The publishers are evidently hoping for strong international sales, since the useful address list contains everything from a homeopathic pharmacy in Finland to a Canadian course in veterinary homeopathy.

So, is there any sting in the tail of this review? Not really--except that in this age when image and presentation are everything, and style can triumph over substance, it has to be said that this is not a coffee table tome. No pictures, no attractive cover, no thrills, no surprises. What you need is what you get-nothing more, nothing less. Does that matter? Not a jot. It's a well written, clear, concise, factual volume which fills that hole in the veterinary library to perfection.


This book review is reprinted with permission from Homeopathic Links.

Reviewed by Paul Hughes, England

Beaconsfield Publishers have given us a reliable selection of practical homeopathic texts of sterling quality, such as Jack's 'Homeopathy in General Practice', and Foubister's 'Tutorials in Homeopathy'. The 'Textbook of Veterinary Homeopathy' is another which will be of interest to all intent on broadening their knowledge of practical therapeutics.

A fully comprehensive introduction written by veterinary surgeons, it is intended primarily for those already in veterinary practice. But it is more than a medical textbook. In the present era, Man has an increasingly close relationship with members of the Animal Kingdom. Not just in the domestic sense of the pet animal in the role of Man's best friend, but we now have an Animal Rights Movement which upholds the status of the animal as a sentient being with a natural right to humane treatment and care equal to humans. Although no mention is made of avian flu and its immediate implications for global human health, we are conscious that Man's relationship with animals has never been so crucial. The principle of respect for the animal patient and concern for his welfare is apparent throughout the text.

The two main sections cover Theory and Practice. -Part One gives a historical survey including that of veterinary homeopathy, beginning as early as 1837 when Joseph Lux published his 'Homeopathy in the Treatment of Animals' in Germany. It proceeds on the premise that the intended reader, a veterinary surgeon, is a newcomer to homeopathy, and contains all the necessary detailed information regarding the homeopathic approach to disease and its manifestations. Fully comprehensive chapters follow on obtaining the symptoms from observation and inquiry, case-taking, constitutional prescribing, miasms, and obstacles to cure. It may be surprising to learn that animals are susceptible to miasmatic remedies derived from human diseases. There is considerable useful detailed information on Isopathy and the Use of Nosodes, and a fully explanatory section on the Use of the Bowel Nosodes.

As an introduction to homeopathy for vets, Part Two deals with practicalities.

The beauty of homeopathic therapeutics is that what applies to humans applies also to animals. The section on Behavioural Problems brings the text to life and illustrates the primary importance of understanding the disposition of the animal patient.

This book can be not only highly recommended to all vets and animal owners but could also be read by homeopaths who wish to enlarge their knowledge of veterinary homeopathy.


This book review is reprinted from the British Homoeopathic Journal Vol 94:4, October 2005, with permission from Peter Fisher, Editor.

Reviewed by Richard Allport

Now here's a question. What can be any size and any shape, but always weighs exactly the same? Answer: a hole. Many veterinary surgeons may not know it, but they have a hole in their library, of the following : portions: 21 x 14 x 2cm. I am pleased to report that this hole has now been filled; by the Textbook of Veterinary Homeopathy.

One of the briefs for writing this review was 'to compare with others of its type'. This is difficult, because-as far as I am aware-there is no other book exactly this type. This book sets out to be, and is - (to paraphrase the famous advert) -'exactly what it says on the cover.' It is a textbook-a solid mass of information. It is veterinary-it is written for veterinary surgeons, about veterinary matters. It is homeopathy-purely and simply a distillation of the two authors' deep and abiding knowledge of homeopathy and its application to animals.

Book reviewers tend to fall into three categories. Those who heap fulsome praise on every line of the book (who paid for the review, one might wonder?). Those who criticise the book with vitriol and undisguised loathing (prompted by jealousy and envy, maybe). Those who are nit-picking and proudly reveal tiny typographical errors as if they were cardinal sins.

This review falls headlong into the fulsome praise category. There have been some very good books on veterinary homeopathy-the names Christopher Day and George Macleod immediately spring to mind here. But this is the first real in-depth textbook of veterinary homeopathy written by vets, for vets, with total authority and conviction.

And it is not an easy task. The medical profession does not realise how lucky it is. One single species to deal with-the human. We vets have to deal with anything from stick insects to elephants. And our patients have the unfortunate drawback of not being able to answer any questions we may want to ask them. So, for example, in the section on 'obtaining symptoms' we have the heading 'The herd/flock/kennel/ cattery situation', with the comment later 'the casetaking in these situations will of necessity veer towards the local signs'. A neat example of the greater breadth, and also the greater limitations needed by and imposed upon, veterinary homeopaths.

The fact that this textbook is written as an introduction to homeopathy for vets will obviously limit its market. However, I'm sure many pet owners with a strong interest in homeopathy will also want this book-which may or may not be a good thing! The most important point is that the book does what it sets out to do completely successfully. For any vet studying homeopathy it will be indispensable.

There are two main sections: the theory, and the practice, of homeopathy. The theory section begins with the history of homeopathy, looks at research into homeopathy, discusses the source and preparation of remedies and then moves into the areas of the homeopathic view of disease and its manifestations. There is detailed consideration of obtaining and matching symptoms-so vital in veterinary homeopathy, because of the communication problem between us and our patients. Practical and constitutional prescribing are explained thoroughly, obstacles to cure are evaluated, and then miasms are mulled over. Isopathy and nosodes are given prominence, in particular the bowel nosodes, probably much underused by the veterinary fraternity, although one of the authors has almost made it his life's work to change this situation! The thorny question of vaccination is examined from the homeopathic perspective, concluding the theory section.

The practice section begins with the warning that homeopathy can be a lonely road for the vet, and highlights the importance of training courses, and the fact that ongoing help and support is available. Each body system is then covered; digestive, skin, endocrine and so on, with additional chapters on surgery and first aid, behavioural problems, the geriatric patient and neoplasia. There is always a problem when writing a chapter on a body system--do you itemize each disease seen in that system, and then suggest remedies for that disease; or do you list remedies that are useful, and then describe which diseases they will be appropriate for? The authors solve this conundrum by giving an overview of each body system-its function and the general problems associated with it, followed by the major modalities and rubrics that are most important, and then the four or five major remedies likely to be of most value with an accompanying list of other remedies to consider. This is, to my mind, an inspired way of formulating a simple, clear approach to a complex issue.

As in all good textbooks, there is a general bibliography, a glossary of terms, a list of useful addresses, and a comprehensive index. The publishers are evidently hoping for strong international sales, since the useful address list contains everything from a homeopathic pharmacy in Finland to a Canadian course in veterinary homeopathy.

So, is there any sting in the tail of this review? Not really--except that in this age when image and presentation are everything, and style can triumph over substance, it has to be said that this is not a coffee table tome. No pictures, no attractive cover, no thrills, no surprises. What you need is what you get-nothing more, nothing less. Does that matter? Not a jot. It's a well written, clear, concise, factual volume which fills that hole in the veterinary library to perfection.