Organon of Medicine - Fifth and Sixth Edition Combined

B. Jain
Author(s) Samuel Hahnemann
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R.E. Dudgeon, MD, translator. (1893, England). Contains a more recent editor’s comparisons to the 6th edition.

A combination of 5th edition by Dudgeon (the 1893 revision) with the 6th edition by Boericke. Essentially, one can see the changes that Hahnemann made to the text of the 5th.

A valuable sudy guide with a combination of 5th edition by Dr dudgeon interpared with 6th edition by Boericke which outlines all the changes made from the first edition on refurnished book due to constant request by beloved readers to redo this treatise in a manner which is consistent with modern books. Various positive changes have been made to understand the subject in an easy and effortless way.

More Information
Subtitle Translated by R.E. Dudgeon, MD, circa 1893, England and William Boericke, MD
ISBN 9788131903117
Author Samuel Hahnemann
Type Paperback
Language English
Publication Date 2004-01-01
Pages 404
Publisher B. Jain