Levels of Health - Case Studies

Author(s) Erik van Woensel
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What this book has to offer you:

Case studies that demonstrate the treatment of patients in different levels of health and different pathologies.
Cases with a long-term treatment that have been followed up to twenty years.
An introduction to the levels of health as described by George Vithoulkas.
An introduction to case analysis, considering:
    • The prognosis
    • Symptom evaluation
    • Skills to judge the symptoms presented in the case with regard to their peculiarity and to find the distinctive symptoms of the case
    • Different strategies and techniques to approach a case
    • A well-structured schedule that can be used to assist you to arrive at a homeopathic prescription.

Advices on how to repertorise the selected symptoms.
Knowledge as how to differentiate the appropriate remedies and select the most similar one.
Guidelines which enable you to select the right potency with which to start the treatment.
Practical tips helping you to correctly evaluate the reaction to the prescribed remedy.
An opportunity to practise your knowledge on prognosis, case analysis, materia medica, potency selection and evaluation of the case.

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AuthorErik van Woensel